Thank You, Atlanta!

5,500 backpacks with supplies for the kids that need them!

For the Kid in All of Us

Since 2003, For the Kid in All of Us has distributed more than 54,000 backpacks filled with school supplies through Backpack Party, 78,000 toys through the Toy Party, and raised funds to donate to numerous agencies and organizations serving Georgia’s children in need.

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Empowering Children! Transforming Lives!

You Can Make a Lasting Impact.

Your support can make a profound difference in the lives of Georgia’s children in need. Donating to For the Kid In All of Us provides crucial resources, educational opportunities, and essential support services to children in need. Whether you make a financial contribution or volunteer your time, your involvement with For the Kid In All of Us will help underserved children right here in Georgia.

“For the Kid in All of Us is doing awesome work! We were honored to be chosen as a beneficiary and grateful to share time with such amazing people!”

— Atlanta Public Schools South Region

“Thank you to For the Kid in All of Us for the generous donation… We would not be able to support our families without your help. Thank you again and again!”

East Lake Foundation

A Special Thank You to Our Presenting Sponsors!